Saturday, July 30, 2011

All About Secrets

A recent read was "A Secret Kept" by Tatiana de Rosnay (author of Sarah's Key - now in theaters).  I'd read "Sarah's Key" last year and found the story compelling and engrossing.  "A Secret Kept" was not quite at the same level but still a very good read.

The story begins when Antoine surprises his sister, Melanie, with a trip to Noirmoutier for her fortieth birthday.  Noirmoutier is an island in France where the family had vacationed each summer up until 1973.  The mother died shortly after that last trip.  She disappeared from her children's lives after her death because she was never spoken of by any of the family and all her pictures disappeared.  The mystery is why this was so.

During the weekend trip Melanie's memory is triggered and she is troubled by her memories.  As she is about to tell Antoine what she remembered on the way home she loses control of the car and they are in a violent wreck.

Antoine becomes gripped with discovering what really happened that last summer spent at Noirmoutier, who his mother really was and what happened the day she died.  The secrets that the family had kept for far too long need to be revealed.

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